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  • Writer's pictureKhushal Benjaram

The Signature Room at the 95th: Worth the Climb?

Panoramic views of Chicago from the 95th floor of the Hancock Center are pretty hard to beat, but is the food at The Signature Room at the 95th worth the hefty price tag? Read along to find out whether this opulent and upscale restaurant is worth the hype.

The Signature Room at the 95th is located on the 95th floor of the John Hancock building and is an astounding 1000 feet up, making it one of the highest restaurants in the world! The restaurant attracts the eye of many tourists as it is seated right on Michigan Avenue in one of the most famous buildings in Chicago.

This restaurant is definitely for times when you want to be fancy as it has its own dress code. For dinner, there are no shorts, athletic wear, or ripped jeans allowed. The dress code is classified as “traditional upscale,” so be willing to break out the suits and dresses if you want to eat at The Signature Room at the 95th! This is most certainly not a place to go and lounge around, so be sure to dress appropriately and respect the rules of the restaurant if you want to eat there!

Speaking of eating, the restaurant is definitely a little heavy on the pocketbook. Main courses range from $35 to over $100 with appetizers being a little under at around $10 to $20. The menu is also mostly filled with meat dishes ranging from steak, seafood, chicken, lamb, and duck. If you are a meat lover, this may be the place for you, but if you are vegetarian or vegan, I think you would be better off passing on this restaurant.

I have personally never eaten here, but from reading various reviews it seems like many like the food but cite the view as the biggest selling point. The view of Chicago’s skyline mixed with an opulent atmosphere and good food seemed to be worth the price for many who visited. Dinner time seems to be the busiest and most expensive, so if you still want to visit The Signature Room at the 95th, going for brunch may be a better option as you will still be able to experience the great views but can eat at a lower price.

If you want to have a fancy night out and are willing to splurge a little, I would definitely recommend The Signature Room at the 95th. The views are unmatched and the food has great reviews. If you are not a fancy/night out type of person but still want to experience great views of Chicago, I would recommend visiting one of the many free rooftops throughout the city like AIRE Rooftop, Cindy’s Rooftop, LondonHouse Hotel Rooftop, Cerise Rooftop, Robey Hotel Rooftop, and so many more!

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